Cultural Heritage Enhancement and Management through interdisciplinary action
2013-2015 MoCaCu
Drafting and implementation of the project MoCaCu (Portable Unit for the Documentation, Characterisation and Conservation of Movable Cultural Heritage Artifacts from Remote Areas in Greece). The project leader was the Laboratory for Archaeometry of the University of the Peloponnese with the financial support of the Swiss Federal Office for Culture (Bundesamt für Kultur-BAK). The project involved two missions, one at Alagonia (on the slopes of Mt. Taygetos) and one at Kalarryters (Mountain range of Tzoumerka). Time Heritage was responsible for the documentation of the objects that were preserved and entered in the database; we were also responsible for the content development of the web page.MoCaCuTeam members included: Documentation specialist Dr. Afroditi Kamara, IT and web support by Giannis Ladas (Diadrasis0, Chief conservators Dr. Christos Karydis and Dr. Eleni Kouloumpi, Conservators Vangelis Siokos, Kalliopi Papaconstantinou, Alexandros Floros and Alex Konstanda, Photographer George Economopoulos, Archaeometry speialists Nikos Zacharias and Eleni Palamara, GIS specialist George Malaperdas, Adminisstrtive Officer Celia Valadu, Students-volunteers

Museum of Ecclesiastic Art of the Holy Monastery of Phaneromeni in Lefkada
"Conservation and restoration of archival material and musum exhibits of the Museum of Ecclesiastic Art of the Holy Monastery of Phaneromeni in Lefkda", sub-project 2: “Enhancement and valorization of the results of the project”. The project was funded by the Third Framework Programme of the Ionian Island and comprise four actions: a) a group of seminars targeted to highschool students focusing on conservation, icon painting andbookbinding (27-30/11/2008), b) One-day conference on the protection of the ecclesiastic cultural heritage (1/12/2008), c) Documentary on the Museum and the Cultural Heritage of Lefkada, d) Guide book for the Museum in two languages (Greek-English).